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According to the Food Standards Agency, it is safe; 'Where a carcass shows evidence of localised TB, the lesions are cut out and the rest of the carcass is passed as fit for human consumption.' In-fact many carcasses are sold back into the food chain by DEFRA in an attempt to recover some of their costs.  read more...read more...
In June 2009 it was reported that the Northern Ireland Assembly’s Public Accounts Committee said that the amount spent over the last decade to merely contain the disease was poor value for money. The following are extracts from the report (ref. 2). "Bovine TB has been a major problem for far too long,". "This is a damning admission. To have spent £200 million over a 10-year period, merely to contain a disease and with no end to the problem in sight, is poor value for money."  read more...read more...
Badgers are being blamed for spreading bovine TB but are they being used as scapegoats?  read more...read more...
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